是什麼決定了在Gears of War 3中敵方被殺還是被擊落?
2011-09-30 05:09:24 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

I've noticed sometimes when I purposely shoot an enemy in the leg in bursts I kill them. Other times, I down them.

I thought the main reason to shoot an enemy in the leg is to slow them down and to down them so an execution can be performed. I've noticed this is not the case and appears to be random.

Does the game randomly decide whether or not to down an enemy no matter where you shoot? Apart from when the enemy is shot in the head.

一 回答:
2011-09-30 15:15:21 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink



  • 被a的頭部擊中;

  • 遠射,博爾托克手槍和納瑟獵槍。扭矩弓,動臂射擊,彈藥榴彈,燃燒手榴彈,一發子彈,n彈槍,迫擊砲,復古槍手的刺刀,槍手的電鋸,挖掘機。

  • An敵人已經被擊落兩次,這是他們第三次死亡。

  • 當您擊落時,您會被擊中。

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